Monday, July 2, 2007

Day 1 with no Beth

Extremely productive aaaand I watched baseball with my roommate. More importantly though I finally finished my wedding present for Joe Palmer and Maria Costanzo; two totally rocking individuals who I believe are in Chicago as we speak.

Here is their present. God I hope they like it.

The computer wasn't really stoked on the colors, so they might be a little bit off this time. I also finished up this little bluebird piece for Lunar Boy, which I didn't end up going to this weekend. Beth wants to go to, so I will be going next weekend when she is back.

Tomorrow, I think I will be able to get up the bird on the wire piece from yesterday. It is actually coming really fast, which makes me totally happy.

Until then.....rock on.

1 comment:

Camwyn said...

Hey, so...
I'm in Nashville (y'know, the town dedicated to god and
and I started a poem that I might want to commission something for - whaddaya think?

(check my blog, there's only one with a bird in it.)