I have wanted to do buttons for a very very long time. Guess what. I am sick of waiting. Tonight I ordered two sets of fifty buttons. I am not sure how much I will be charging for them. I think maybe 2 bucks each, though that again brings up how much it will cost to ship them. Probably not too much. They are 1 inch buttons. But anyway, the moral of the story is, I am making buttons, and that makes me very very happy.
Check em out, and email me if you'd like one. I hope you'd like one!!!

I love this painting, so I decided it would be a good first button! My friend Jesse from high school has this original. I hope you folks think it is a good starting point.

I had to warp this painting a little bit in order to make it fit to a button. But I found that I really liked the robot a bit better when it was a little fatter anyway. What do you think? Skinny or fat? I assure you this is not any kind of politico argument developing, merely a curiosity about the robot.
Lastly here is another robot wringing out a cloud. Hope you dig it. I was very pleased with the drawing. Still not sold on the paint handling. I may work into it again.

I'll catch you cats later. NH weekend, so no posts from me for the next few days. Have a good one, and enjoy the last days of summer! I sure will.
1 comment:
Oh man, I'd definitely be interested in buying one or two of these buttons sometime.
Could you check out my blog, comment, and possibly pass it on?
Awesome art, by the way.
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