Enough depressing crap up here. I'm starting to sound like a manic depressive or something. Truth is, I haven't been sleeping or painting enough to make myself feel healthy....so what is the answer for that? Sleep and paint more. "Variety is the spice of life..." Due to recent emails I've received I feel like I should mess up that old saying just for the heck of it, but I'll be good.....
So anyway, if you've been coming around here lately, you've probably noticed one of several things. 1.)I haven't sounded stoked on life......FIXING IT!!! 2.) I have been drawing and painting mostly birds.....FIXING IT!!! and 3.) I'm a little insane......FAT CHANCE MAN!!!! pattern stops there, no continuous loop, your computer will continue to function.
I just watched this awesome movie last night "King of California". Frankly it made me love life again, and now I am thinking about what I am here for instead, what people are making me do, and decisions that I want to make for myself and my artwork instead of what other people want me to do etc....
So in conclusion.....

This is a painting in progress. I am close to done with the head, which rules cuz I started this bad boy this morning. These guys are my enforcers. They will ward off all of the evil spirits that want me to paint birds for the rest of my life.......(only to let me paint birds in moderation!)

Was it the first day that God created the mountains? I don't know. But it will be on the 2010 year that we will fabricate our own. In my head at least. Who knows. It could happen.

In culmination....I am totally amped on this one. It has been a long time since I've done pipes in the sky, and frankly, that is sad, because that was my world that I created....like Terry Pratchett's Disc World and Tolkiens Middle Earth, this is my own rendition.....Though I can only hope to visually say as much as Asimov or Dick might have said in words......
Until next time......
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