I have a day off for the first time in eight days. It is so nice. You have no idea. This morning Beth and I hiked up Rattlesnake, which was quite interesting since it was all ice and whatnot. The climb up was much easier than the sliding down. Poor Beth got her knees all mud too. I was amazed I didn't fall, especially since I started to about twenty times. I, however, retained my homo erectus power for the day. Phew.
While I was at work this past week I did manage one sketch that I thought was pretty cool, though to be honest, that and the Catcher in the Rye, which I read were the only things I really achieved this past week. Well that and I cooked a lot of food.
Here's the sketch though. I'm thinking of adding a bird with a construction helmet in the final drawing and painting..... Let me know what you think.
Hey...I thought I was going to go with you...never heard from you guys though :(
bird with construction helmet = brilliant.
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