The onslaught of small paintings continues. I am really digging working tiny. I've been working on small paintings for the past five years, but these are tiny paintings. I love it. It really allows me to focus on character more and plot less. Plot is great, but I'm feeling more interested in 1 shots right now. The goal to completely litter the walls of the Blue Bottle, I think is completely attainable.
Here is a piece in progress. I drew it out a few times before I arrived at this particular composition, and I'm glad of it, because I think it is more successful than when I started.

To be honest, I don't think, I know. The original was truly a concept drawing. So static. I'm glad that Beth advised me to sketch more. It has really helped.

I love the simplicity that I feel I can get away with in these smaller pieces. There are a lot more in the works. I don't think any of them are going to cost more than 50 bucks either. So those of you with a budget like mine, that have been wanting a piece, pay close attention to the Blue Bottle website once September rolls around.
Til next time.
looks excellent : )
Thank you!
that robot piece is really strong! awesome!
tweet. LOVE.
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