A couple things to post today. I hope everybody loves Telly Savalas as much as I do. How can you dislike Kojak?

Originally I told my uncle that it would take me two weeks to finish two small paintings for him. Here it is two months later and I just finished the first. The second is nearly done as well. Almost. Only a month and a half tardy. I feel like deadlines were a lot easier to meet when I was still in school. Must be all of the stoner music I listen to.....

Does anyone remember that Tim O'brien cover art for Time, that had Dick Cheney on the cover, with the top half of his head cut off and a bunch of gears inside. I want to do a piece like that that actually exposes Vice president Cheney's brains. Amidst all of the folds I want to paint a bunch of these little tank heads though. It's loosely based on a cross between Kelly Savalas' character in Kelly's Heroes and the Cloud Constructors.


Someone give that man a lollipop!
That one is for you dad.
until next time....
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