Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Working at The Studio

It has been a super busy week.  I have two openings this week, an illustration that I need to work on, and an open studio event at the Studio, 84 Union Ave, Laconia, NH.  I am very pleased with the progress which the installation has shown thus far.  As I sit back and look at the installation, I also realize that I am making work now that I was completely incapable of visualizing years ago.  Perhaps this graduate school thing is doing what it is supposed to do, and perhaps I am getting older, more comfortable and more relaxed in my work.  Perhaps it is really a combination of the three.  No matter how I look at it though, I can see progress.  There is still a long way to go.  As an artist, is it possible to think that there isn't someplace to go?  If you've made it, then what is there to work for?

I pontificate, so here's some images.

It's crazy, but I realized that I am a.) not nearly as afraid of heights as I used to be and b.) it is far easier to find a groove on a ladder when you put something in your hands that you feel completely comfortable with.
 I am very pleased with the movement in this corner.  The gaps seem just as important as the positive space.  I like the idea of negative space serving a role as a conscious element.
 I found a real use for the panels from my installation at the end of summer intensive and I think I understand both the characters and my artistic identity issues better for having let myself dwell on the subject a bit.
 The messy work area.  Found the table top at the back in the trash this morning on the way into the Studio.  How appropriate?
On the ladder again. 

I'm listening to some old Rancid, settling into working on this illustration, while I wait for my girlfriend with her cat snuggled up next to me on the bed.  Tomorrow more time at the Studio.  If you're in the area, stop by.  But for now, chilling.


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