Here is one of my newer sketches of bird robot combo though. I'm leaning more towards large bubble looking robots....and am also pretty excited about the old robots on Mars in the second story in "I, Robot" with the saddles on their backs...kind of a cool concept....makes you wonder why they call him the master of science fiction....not really!

I'm not really into these guys eyes. I'm kind of thinking a C3P0 kind of thing.......but I sort of like the small circles too..........
For birds I've been really leaning towards Gold finches and Cuckoo birds. I love the crown on the Cuckoo bird and I can't help thinking of the Cuckoo Pigeon sisters of "Odd Couple" fame when I'm drawing them.

Lastly's a little emo blast. Thinking about the show that I saw at the ICA in Boston. Can't get the speaker images out of my head. Never could, but seeing this show just intensified that feeling.

Have to go. Beth just put Weird Al on. Something must be done........
1 comment:
have you done any sketches with tropical birdies? your musing make me muse about toucans and parrots and cockatiels interacting with robots........ hmmmmm.......
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