Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Cold Out & I'm a Little Sick

I've mellowed out a lot this week.  I was a little crazy there for a while, but Monday morning I woke up with this sense of urgency about life.  I felt like I had to do something to better my situation.  After proposing to two CS classes and procuring an interview next Friday for teaching an illustration class, I feel like I am more on the right track.  It's time to start working again.  As if my general outlook wasn't enough to get me on this track, Maine has now suddenly decided to be in the thirties.  It's cold.  I don't want to leave my house anymore and if I do, it's for coffee or some other warm substance.

I've been really pleased thinking about the power line series.  I think there is a lot of potential in it.  I'm trying to find the secret to it so I can include images of other subject matter.  The way that I put together the one piece for Bard Coffee allows for far more experimentation than I have so far indulged in with this particular process.

Tonight while sitting in my newly cleaned apartment there was nothing that sounded better than working on a couple new smaller pieces.  I want to make a lot of small guys for the upcoming Holiday Season.  The idea is to have a slew of pieces for $20 and under.  Here's the work that I put together tonight so you can get an idea of what I am after.

The work is smaller than most of the pieces I've put together in the past couple years, but it is interesting to me to push the scale of these pieces.  As the poles get smaller, the shapes become more and more abstract much like power lines off in the distance seem to appear in reality.

Well that's it for tonight, but I'll try to get some more stuff up tomorrow.  Until then, take care.


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