Friday, March 11, 2011

The End is the Beginning is the End

Thought I would start off the morning with a little Smashing Pumpkins reference.  Apparently they were in conversation twice yesterday in Portland.  The question of "are they still relevant/cool?" came up.  I don't really know, but I still dig some of their stuff.  So anyway, moving on to artwork....

This has been a super difficult semester, unlike the last one that was super difficult, wait.  Ok, so no change on this front really, but I'm starting to create some very different, though fundamentally me, artwork.  I decided to share the component installation with all of you.  It is in progress, and I am just starting to get more excited with the process so we will see what happens with it in the near future.

This is not the most  crystal clear image.  That is something that I will be trying to work out a little bit in this near future as well.  As I create better images of the work I will definitely be sharing a little bit more.

Until next time though, be safe, and for those of you on the Pacific, be extra safe.

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