I have finally scanned in a little bit more work, though I am only blogging a couple things today. The smoke series is continuing, and I am happy to say is becoming a bit more amorphous. It was really good for me to be working loosely with the small drawings for the Concord Variety because it got me drawing quicker and thinking about the whole piece again. So where do we go from here?
Smoke in a scene with other people. This piece is also based a little on conversations I've had with friends about too much social media in public. So I'm going for a serene old man surrounded by a techie invasion in this piece. So far I'm feeling pretty good about it. I really want the paint to be sort of the ethereal nature of De Chirico. Surreal is good, but not all out surrealism.

Second and on a completely different note, I've started work on a wallet design for Tinymeat via my use of Twitter. So there you go all of you Twitter naysayer, it is most definitely good for something. Haha. Here is the front piece for that wallet.

until then.
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