So I know I know, I haven't put anything up here since February.....
It's not that I haven't been working though. Although, truth be told I've mainly been trying to teach myself how to be a web designer, which by the way I am not doing to badly at. I've been working on, (TinCan Web Works is the name that Beth's brother and I have been working under) So far so good, just need to update things so as not to be ripping people off.
Here's a banner off a site that is never going to launch because the guy that was trying to put it up was absolutely crazy......

I really like the banner, but that is about all that I am absolutely sold on.
I've also been working on a few paintings. Mostly for the "After the Ice Caps" series, but I've also been working up a couple birds with birdhouses for a boutique in New York, and a couple paintings for the Hive Gallery in California.

This is one of the two paintings that I will be sending to the boutique in New York this week.
I am so in love with this series. This is supposed to be a male house finch. I've started only doing birds in this series that I see at my feeder this summer. Sounds like a plan to me. Did I mention that I am glad that it is finally spring.......

This is the painting that I did for the "Avatar" show at the Hive Gallery. My Avatar is the Mighty Sparrow. Half mighty mouse and half Run DMC. The idea of having an Avatar is kind of ridiculous and I love it.....

This is a self portrait that I drew out shortly after walking around the ICA in Boston. A guy was doing a bunch of pieces using speakers as different voices representing different cultures in urban areas. Interesting concept but I chose to take it a completely different direction.....
My computer is finally up to date and I'm painting more and sleeping less so I'll probably have some more stuff up soon......
Mattie if you're reading this I've been working on the *expletive* ark.